At thinklearnknow we combine science with elearning

Dr. Klaus Petritsch did his PhD in Physics at University of Cambridge, UK. Klaus holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and a certificate in Instructional Design/e-learning. He has also received a year of vocational teacher training at the University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) in Jyväskylä, Finland.

Klaus_Petritsch: science and elearningKlaus’ natural curiosity and wide range of interests has taken him from being involved in the early stages of a solar energy start-up in San Francisco, USA, to running his own dance school in Sydney, Australia. He also spent two years living and travelling in South and Central America.

Klaus has authored or co-authored over 20 publications in scientific journals, several UK, US or worldwide patents and has earned a reputation for never being short of ideas.

He currently lives with his wife and three young children in Jyväskylä, Finland, designing e-learning courses, teaching, lecturing, testing, reviewing, and other learning related activities.

As lifelong passionate learner Klaus has good general knowledge. He also enjoys giving talks about creative and critical thinking and problem solving.

Klaus’ approach to learning

For Klaus, learning is a way of life. He views teaching as the highest form of learning. As such there really is no “teaching” but only learning and it’s facilitation. Klaus’ key ingredients to effective learning facilitation are:

  • self-motivation (can be stimulated but is often unintentionally suppressed)
  • fast practical and clear feedback
  • a high degree of freedom, control and active involvement
  • progress metrics viewable for learner

Since all of these can be naturally implemented in game-like learning programs (gamification), Klaus courses often include some sort of game and/or story like structure.

With decades of experience teaching and learning in the US, Australia, UK, Germany, Argentina, Austria and Finland – Klaus can pick from a wide range of learning techniques and theories. He is very aware of potential cultural issues and naturally sensitive to e.g. slang words that may not be clear to a culturally diverse group of learners.

As a trained scientist he aims for consistent, logically organized content and can successfully combine science and elearning. Thanks to his passion for cognitive psychology he also knows how to avoid working memory overload and eliminate unnecessary information to maximize learning outcomes.

Klaus is most effective when using Articulate Storyline as his main authoring tool.

Here are some books he has edited. These are targeted at libraries, hence the higher price.

 Organic Electronic Devices Hardcover – January 30, 2018 by Klaus Petritsch

Organic Electronic Devices (2018)        .                                                         .


keywords: science and elearning, Klaus Petritsch, instructional designer, editor, science proofreader, 2018