I cannot share work I did for my paying clients but here are some e-learning courses from my studies or voluntary projects. Feel free to try and share them. Perhaps you can even leave some feedback in a comment or email to klaus (@thinklearnknow.com) – which is always welcome and helpful.


A Free Critical Thinking Course (online)

Try the course (about 15min, 30 screens) here.

Critical thinkers can extract reliable knowledge from the noisy mix of misinformation and truth that surrounds us.
In this course critical thinking is broken down into several key components but learners focus only on two: creative thinking and inquisitive thinking.
These are the components that can be improved (learned) – often – much easier than the most famous component of critical thinking: logical reasoning i.e. deductive reasoning.Challenge yourself to solve several puzzling questions using two powerful techniques used by scientists, detective investigators, the CIA or investigative journalists. Both beginning and advanced critical thinkers may find this course useful.
Free online course on critical thinking, creative thinking and inquisitive thinking.I personally used this critical thinking course with good outcomes in a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class at a Finnish IB school (diploma program). Students were active, thinking, reflecting and interested.


Understanding the Working Memory: How to Reduce Cognitive Load in Multimedia Instruction

Try the course (about 20min, 40 screens) here.

The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in designing instructions e.g. teachers, instructional designers or anyone who designs presentation material.image004
Upon completion of this 20min course you will be able to apply multimedia design principles to reduce unnecessary cognitive load.
More specifically, you will:

  • Understand the working memory concept and its three assumptions
  • Able to differentiate important principles to reduce cognitive load
  • Use a simple interactive job aid to evaluate and improve multimedia instruction

You will play a game where you collect certain info ‘cookies’ and pass some activities to unlock a badge and perhaps become a ‘cognitive load wizard’ with a badge.The course content should be largely consistent with cognitive load research as published by R. Moreno and R.E. Mayer as well as A. Baddeley’s working memory model.I have also included a link to a short summary of their research for your convenience.

If you are interested you can also view the Design Document (documenting how the course was planned and implemented) here.

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